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مستحضرات التجميل الطبيعية لمياه الورد

مستحضرات التجميل الطبيعية لمياه الورد

Rose Water Hydrating Face Toner Is A Natural And Organic Choice For Hydrating, Gentle Skin Care. 

 -Naturally minimize pores and counteract signs of aging.. 
-Balance and restore your skin vitality, a tonic for reducing the appearance and      formation of wrinkles. 
- Natural Rose Water Cosmetics Improve your skin by treating acne and skin irritation. 
-Toner balances skin pH levels.
-Rose Water anti-aging toner stimulates skin for a brighter complexion, leaves your skin softer. 

What Our Customers Say: "I highly recommend getting this toner!" "This facial toner smells fantastic and feels great on my skin."  

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